aerial view of Building 200 at VIU's Nanaimo campus


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Technicians devise remote weigh scale to assess health of Vancouver Island marmots

The smart device will help researchers determine if supplemental feeding improves the reproductive health of marmots.Two Vancouver Island University (VIU) Technicians, working in collaboration with the Wilder Institute, have spent almost two years building an electronic weigh scale to pr

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MyVIU student newsletter: February 5, 2025

English major’s research paper published in an academic journal

Claire Gordon explores tarot card imagery in Black Mirror episodes

Five things we learned in Aotearoa (New Zealand)

Tourism Management students Kaelan Henders and Alison Kuenzig share their experiences

Finding newfound purpose

From classroom to career: Stuart Dixon

Follow your heart on your learning journey

From classroom to career: Courtney Dubyna

Scuttle Bay home welcomes support from VIU’s tiwšɛmawtxʷ Carpentry Apprentice Program

Hands-on learning - with a view

Asian Heritage Month resources

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