aerial view of Building 200 at VIU's Nanaimo campus


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Technicians devise remote weigh scale to assess health of Vancouver Island marmots

The smart device will help researchers determine if supplemental feeding improves the reproductive health of marmots.Two Vancouver Island University (VIU) Technicians, working in collaboration with the Wilder Institute, have spent almost two years building an electronic weigh scale to pr

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VIU Student Pulse News: October 25, 2023

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Finding her fit in Canada’s far north

From Classroom to Career: Amy Badgley

Building a better study session

Tips to help you get things done

Surveying plants in remote BC parks

Emma Peterson and Lizzy Schafers share their research experience

Gaining real-world experiences in the publishing world

Students aim to answer some of humanity’s fundamental questions in journal

Researching the effects of war on urban landscapes in Ukraine

Anna Shynkarenko came to VIU on a Mitacs internship

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