Phishing attacks are one of the most common online scams around. Taking the bait can lead to loss of funds and breaches of personal, health or financial information. And if that wasn’t bad enough, phishing is now one of the primary entry points for ransomware.
Don’t get reeled in, get cyber safe.
Be aware that phishing has various forms, including:
- spear phishing (phishing that targets specific individuals or groups)
- vishing (voice phishing conducted over the phone)
- smishing (phishing that occurs via text or instant messaging)
Learn more about phising
Watch for phishing red flags
- Urgent or threatening language
- Unexpected delivery notices or receipts
- Strange links or attachments
Learn more about phishing red flags
Keep a weather eye on phishing bait
Tries to scare you or put you in a panic with threats:
- “Your most recent payment was rejected” or “We will pursue legal action if you do not respond.”
Learn more about phishing bait
Promises money or a reward – too good to be true
- “Special Limited-Time Offer!” or “You have won a Free Vacation!”
Appeals to your kindness
- “Hey, I’m stuck in Mexico and I’ve lost my passport and wallet” or “Please help this holiday season.”
Asks you to verify or update your information, then pretends to be a trusted organization
- “Please update you Microsoft account information” or “Please take a second to verify your Paypal account.”
Appeals to your curiosity
An example is leaving a USB in a parking lot that infects your computer once you plug it in.
Don’t take the Bait! Ready to test your skills - try the June Phishing Quiz!