Community Classroom

How can computer modelling help us understand our oceans and cryosphere?

A glacier between two mountain ranges.

Dr. Sam Pimentel, an Associate Professor at Trinity Western University (TWU), discussed how scientists are using computer models to understand our oceans and cryosphere in a changing climate during his VIU Science and Technology Community Lecture on March 16. The cryosphere is a term used for the frozen parts of the Earth’s surface and includes things like glaciers, sea ice, ice caps, frozen ground and permafrost.

Pimentel has a Masters in Mathematics from the University of Bath, UK, and completed his PhD in Physical Oceanography at the University of Reading, UK. He held post-doctoral positions at Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia and Aberystwyth University, where he worked on ice sheet modelling. His research program at TWU continues to explore interesting problems involving computational modelling of oceans and glaciers. 

Watch Pimentel’s lecture:

The VIU Science and Technology Community Lecture Series is an opportunity for scientists to engage with the broader VIU faculty, students and community in ongoing research and science initiatives that are occurring in our regional and local coastal communities.

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